Fund 724 is a naira-denominated, open-ended investment scheme that offers capital preservation, liquidity, and generation of steady Income on Investments. It is a diversified portfolio with investments in quality money market instruments.
The Fund is powered by the USSD string, *724#.
Open an AccountFund 724 is a portfolio with investments in Money Market Instruments such as Fixed deposits, Commercial papers, and Nigerian Treasury Bills.
Returns are benchmarked at an average rate of 91-day Nigerian Treasury Bill’s yield of the preceding month.
Real-time accessibility to funds up to ₦200,000.00.
Dividends accrue daily.
Minimum initial subscription of ₦1,000.
Offers opportunities to customers who seek a competitive rate on investment opportunities with flexibility on subscriptions and redemptions.
Capital preservation and liquidity.
Opportunity to capitalize earnings while guaranteeing your principal.