Guaranty Trust Investment Fund 724
Fund 724 is a naira-denominated, open-ended investment scheme that offers capital preservation, liquidity, and generation of steady income on investments. It is a diversified portfolio with investments in quality money market instruments.
The Fund is powered by the USSD string, *724#.
Fund 724 is a portfolio with investments in Money Market Instruments such as Fixed deposits, Commercial papers, and Nigerian Treasury Bills.
Returns are benchmarked at an average rate of 91-day Nigerian Treasury Bill’s yield of the preceding month.
Real-time accessibility to funds up to N200,000.00.
Dividends accrue daily.
Minimum initial subscription of N1,000.
Capital preservation and liquidity.
Opportunity to capitalize earnings while guaranteeing your principal.
Offers opportunities to customers who seek a competitive rate on investment opportunities with flexibility on subscriptions and redemptions.